Parents/Guardians or staff can request a refund of their student's or personal meal account balance at any time during the school year by completing a Meal Account Transfer or Refund Request Form and submitting it to the school cafeteria or the district office. Refunds for balances of $5.00 or less may be refunded on-site at the district office, depending on the availability of funds. Othello School District will issue a check for refunds of balances exceeding $5.00.
Parents/Guardians or staff must submit an Account Transfer or Refund Request Form within one year of graduation or separation from the district. Any positive balance remaining after one year on an inactive account will become the property of the Othello School District. Please note this applies to non-returning students only. Account balances for returning students transfer to the new school year.
In addition to refunds, parents/guardians and staff may use the same form to transfer any positive balance to another student or staff account or donate the balance to the district.
Finally, parents/guardians or staff can check their student’s meal account balance using Skyward Family Access.
Click here to download the Meal Account Transfer or Refund Request Form