Appendix A – Support Information
Adams County Integrated Health Care Services- Behavioral Health & Emergency Housing - 509-488-4074
- Public Health Services - 509-488-2031
- Developmental Disabilities Services - 509-659-3306
Columbia Basin Health Association 509-488-5256
- Medical, Behavioral Health, Dental, Eye Care, Pharmacy, Lab, Audiology, Imaging, Health and Wellness
Intervention Specialist funded by ESD 123 509-488-3351
- Full-time support staff who works with At-Risk Youth at the high school level
J.D.A.I Programs (Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative) 509-488-5646
Detention is a crucial early phase in the juvenile court process. Placement into a locked detention center pending court significantly increases the odds that youth will be found delinquent and committed to correction facilities and can seriously damage their prospects for future success. Yet many detained youth pose little to no threat to public safety, therefore, the programs listed below are our alternatives to detention.
- I-ACT: Individual-Alternative Choice Training is a program for moderate to high risk offenders. It offers three separate trainings which include social skills training, self-control training, and problem analysis training. These 1:1 trainings help youth build and implement alternate behaviors in a positive way. For questions please contact Probation Officer Edgar Vega; edgarv@co.adams.wa.us or Larry Gonzalez; larryg@co.adams.wa.us
- Community Service Juveniles learn practical skills and personal responsibility while giving back to the community. Our department helps to keep our county clean and helps youth gain a sense of pride for where they live. The Community Service Department has work crews that take care of litter and graffiti clean-up for the entire county. For any questions regarding Community Service please contact Kevin Alvarez; kevina@co.adams.wa.us.
- Girls’ Circle Structured support group for girls from ages 14-18 aiming to counteract social and interpersonal forces that impede growth and development by promoting an emotionally safe setting where they can develop caring relationships with others and be their own voice. Questions regarding Girls Circle please contact Edgar Vega; edgarv@co.adams.wa.us.
- Boys’ Council Support group for about 6-10 boys of similar age that engage in activities that address relevant topics and reflection on life events. This program provides resiliency and youth development practices and concepts. Questions regarding Boys Council please contact Edgar Vega; edgarv@co.adams.wa.us.
- Truancy Board: Under state law a juvenile cannot miss 4 days of school in a month or 10 days of school in a school year unexcused. When a juvenile fails to attend school without an excuse, they are considered truant. A Community Truancy Board (CTB) petition is created and the juvenile is given school attendance recommendations by the CTB. If the Juvenile is unsuccessful with the CTB recommendations a truancy petition is then generated by the School District and forwarded to juvenile court. If a juvenile is found truant after the truancy petition has been completed they must appear before a juvenile court judge for disciplinary sentencing.
- The ARY program is a legal process by which parents who are experiencing problems with at-risk-youth can request a petition from D.S.H.S. and receive assistance from the Juvenile Court. The petition essentially asks the judge to help in requiring the child to reside in the home and/or participate in needed treatment. For questions please contact Pricilla Olascon priscillao@co.adams.wa.us
- The CHINS program is a legal process by which the court may place a child out of the home temporarily while services are utilized to address concerns all the while moving towards reunification with the family. Petitions are filed through the D.S.H.S. department. For questions please contact Priscilla Olascon; polascon@co.adams.wa.us.
- DETENTION: Adams County juveniles are sometimes sent to Martin Hall Regional Juvenile Detention Facility. The mission of the facility is to provide a safe and secure environment for juvenile offenders while promoting accountability, competency development and community safety. This is accomplished through role modeling, promoting education, ensuring due process and providing quality programs. For more information please visit http://www.cccscorp.com/martin_hall2.htm
Othello Community Hospital 509-488-2636
- 24-Hour Ambulance Service
- Anesthesia
- Dietary
- Diagnostic Imaging
- 24-Hour Emergency Department
- Laboratory
- Obstetrical Care
- Occupational Health
- Physical Therapy
- Respiratory Therapy
- Surgical Services