Definition: The death of a student or staff member is one of the most serious incidents for a school staff to deal with. The school has an important role to play in helping both students and staff adjust to the death of one of the members of their “school family”. The extent to which a death in the school family causes a crisis in the school depends on the circumstances of that death. Appropriate actions will help to relieve the stress of the situation.
Instructor / Staff Procedures:
- If the deceased is a student in your class, compile a list of closest friends in the classroom and give to School Administrator.
- Remove the student’s personal items from desk, lockers etc. and give to the school administrator.
- Read a prepared statement when instructed by the school administrator. Request that a counselor or school administrator be with you in your classroom if necessary.
- Discuss funeral arrangements to prepare students who will be attending, as requested by school administrator.
- Discuss wearing athletic or activity uniforms to the funeral, as requested by school administrator.
- Give students an opportunity to discuss the loss, grieving, talking and venting together, if appropriate.
- Acknowledge emotions through discussion and involvement in constructive activities in the classroom, if appropriate.
- Send distressed students to designated location if they have a need for counseling.
- Keep list of students who went home or seemed distressed by the crisis and give to the school administrator.
- Shorten and structure assignments, if necessary. Postpone and reschedule tests, if necessary.
School Administrator Procedures:
- Notify District Office.
- If notification is received during school hours, proceed with prepared statement and plan for informing the staff and students. If notification is received after school hours, proceed with prepared statement and plan for informing the staff through the phone tree. Notify teachers of the student and/or close friends of the staff member privately. Do not make the general announcement without having first notified significant people.
- Contact the District PIO for a prepared statement to the press if the event requires.
- Arrange for counselors to monitor classrooms most closely affected by the crisis. Have specific rooms and personnel arranged to address individuals who need assistance. Arrange substitutes for affected staff, if necessary.
- Ensure that counselors have contacted parents of close friends of the student or those most impacted by the loss of a staff member to offer support, suggestions and assistance.
- Stop disciplinary action, testing, or special placement notifications that may inadvertently be sent to the family.
- If event requires, send prepared information letters to all parents. (See samples AWSP website). Arrange for school staff meetings to provide daily closure. Emphasize the need to use prepared statements to control rumors.
- As new information becomes available, update the staff.
- Be highly visible to show your presence, support and control of the situation. Make sure students feel safe.
- Contact the family personally and offer support. Establish a school contact person with family members.
- Notify staff and students of funeral arrangements, if appropriate. Determine who will go to the family’s home and will attend the funeral. Arrange for coverage of classes if teachers want to attend funeral or memorial service.
- Contact the family and share the school’s plans for attending the funeral, if appropriate.
- Arrange for counselors to monitor classrooms most closely affected by the crisis after the funeral.
- Reschedule standardized testing or other canceled activities as necessary.
Follow-up Procedures:
- Confirm that the incident report has been filed and sent to the District Office.
- Meet with counselors regarding students or staff still needing further assistance.
- Make necessary arrangements for further assistance for counseling.
- Keep communications open between school contact person and family.
- If school plans to have a memorial or recognition (if the incident was not a suicide), obtain permission from family members. Possible plans could include an assembly, a tree planting, a yearbook dedication, a scholarship fund, a plaque etc. Invite the family members to be guests at special ceremonies, but discourage family participation in assemblies within the first few months.
- Have person designated to organize or politely discourage excessive offers of help.
- Have a person designated to handle answering cards and letters sent to the school.
- Be aware of the one-year anniversary and notify staff if appropriate.
Stages of Grief:
These are an example of the possible stages students and/or staff may experience after the death of a “school family” member.
Stage 1: Denial (“This can’t be happening.”)
Stage 2: Anger (“I hate them for doing that.”)
Stage 3: Bargaining (“If I was a better person, maybe they wouldn’t have died.”)
Stage 4: Depression (“What’s the use of even trying anymore?”)
Stage 5: Acceptance (“I can’t change what happened. I have to move forward with my life.”)EXPLOSION
Definition: An explosion is a release of natural, mechanical, chemical, electrical, magnetic, or nuclear energy in a sudden and often violent manner with the generation of high temperature and usually with the release of gases. Explosions may occur in the school building, on the school grounds, in the school neighborhood, or surrounding community.
Instructor / Staff Procedures:
- Activate fire alarm.
- Follow evacuation procedures.
- Reassemble students at predetermined area and take roll.
- Report any missing students.
- Await further instructions from main administration.
School Administrator Procedures:
- Signal evacuation of building by sounding alarm, if not already done.
- Call 911 and give specific location if known.
- Assist in evacuation of building.
- Notify District Office.
- Assist in location of missing students / staff.
- If students will be dismissed, request transportation for moving students and staff to the secondary shelter provision as specified by the site plan. Establish a check-out area, with normal release procedures followed.
- Fill out an incident report and send a copy to District Office.
Follow-up Procedures
- Confirm that the incident report has been filed and sent to the District Office.
- Conduct a site inspection for the extent of the damage.
- Notify Support Services Office of damage and request necessary repair work.
- If the event requires make arrangements for revised schedule or alternative location.
- If the event requires, send prepared information letter to all parents with any necessary information regarding revised schedule or alternative location. (See samples at AWSP.ORG).
EARTHQUAKENote: This is intended as a basic plan, which may be modified based on specific requirements of each school building/department.
In the event of an earthquake, the Principal or designee should determine whether student/staff are safe. The Principal should report this finding to the Superintendent’s office (488-2659). If there is danger, the following procedures should be used.
Instructor/Staff Procedures:
- The staff should order the students to drop to the floor and move away from windows and from under light fixtures. Everyone should seek cover under desks or tables. DO NOT have students go outside until directed to do so.
- If outside when quake occurs, move away from buildings, trees, or overhead wires, etc. Stay in the open until instructed to do otherwise by administration or first responders.
School Administrator Procedures:
- If the building is unsafe – the principal or designee should dismiss classes one at a time through safe exits. DO NOT RE-ENTER the building until advised to do so. Move students away from the building to a safe area.
- Initiate Incident Command System protocols
- In the event of injuries:
- Provide first aid, if needed, according to staff’s ability.
- Call for medical help. (911) (If needed)
- Set up a first aid/counseling center. (If needed)
- Take roll – account for all students, staff and visitors. Quickly identify missing persons to the command center.
- Notify the city building inspector to inspect each site following an earthquake if damage occurs.
- Limit the use of telephones immediately following the earthquake.
- Maintain contact with the superintendent’s office to determine if transportation or other emergency services will be needed.
Follow-up Procedures:
- Confirm that the incident report has been filed and sent to the District Office.
- Conduct a site inspection for the extent of the damage and notify the Maintenance Dept.
- If the event requires, make arrangements for revised schedule or alternative location.
- If the event requires, send prepare information letter to all parents with any necessary information regarding revised schedule or alternative location. (See samples at AWSP.ORG).
EMERGENCY SCHOOL CLOSURE OR CHANGE OF SCHEDULE PROCEDURESNote: This is intended as a basic plan, which may be modified based on specific requirements of each school building/department.
In the event of an emergency closure, delayed opening, or any change in schedule of any schools in Othello School District, the local radio stations, and local TV stations will be notified of the decision and asked to broadcast this information. These stations will be notified by the superintendent or designee. Additionally, OSD will activate Blackboard to announce closure or delay in school schedules. The OSD weather line number is 488-4862.
During questionable weather conditions, if no announcement about schools has been broadcast by 6:30 a.m., it should be assumed that schools will operate on the regular schedule.
Upon discovery that buses will not be arriving to take students home due to hazardous conditions, use the following procedures:
Elementary School Students
- Have student stay at school.
- Keep students from leaving school grounds until permission from the principal or designee is given or parents/guardians have arrived to pick up the student.
- When dismissed by the principal or designee, advise students to stay in groups and be observance of rules of safety.
- Principal, designee, or assigned staff should stay with remaining students until all are safely released.
Secondary School Students
- Have students stay at school until it is deemed safe to leave.
- Students without transportation should report to a designated reunification area.
- Students walking home should be advised to stay in a group and observe rules of safety.
- Principal, designee, or assigned staff should stay with remaining students until all are safely released.
Staff Guidelines
In situations which necessitate the shortening of the school day (i.e.: inclement weather and/or hazardous road conditions, etc.) all employees will be expected to report to work as soon as weather and/or road conditions are safe. It shall be the responsibility of each employee to contact his/her immediate supervisor as early as possible if the employee will be late for the scheduled start of school.
Note: This is intended as a basic plan, which may be modified based on specific requirements of each school building/department.
Instructor/Staff Procedures:
- Call 911
- Insure that all students and staff are in the building and that they remain there.
- Shut off all outside air ventilators and close windows and doors.
- If you were not alerted to the situation by district personnel, call the Superintendent’s office (488-2659).
- Keep telephone lines clear. Emergency calls only.
Instructor/Staff Procedures:
- Call 911
School Administrator Procedures:
- Call for controlled evacuation and follow evacuation procedures to insure that all students and staff are out of the building and that they remain there.
- If you were not alerted to the situation by district personnel, use an outside or cellular telephone to call the superintendent’s office (488-2659).
Follow-up Procedures:
- Confirm that the incident report has been filed and sent to the District Office.
- If the event requires, send prepared information letter to all parents. (See samples at AWSP.ORG).
- Debrief with District Safety Advisory Council and staff.
FIREDefinition: A fire is the destructive burning of a building or other property. Fires may occur in the school building, on the school grounds, or in the school neighborhood.
In the event of a fire on campus, use the following procedures:
Person/persons aware of the fire:
- Initiate fire evacuation by pulling alarm or contacting the building offices.
- Use fire extinguisher if possible.
- Evacuate students and staff at predetermined area and take roll.
- Await further instruction from main office.
Building administration/designee shall:
- Initiate Incident Command System.
- Call 911 for support services as needed.
- Attend to student safety with a building check if possible. Do not forget to check the special needs student’s bathrooms, and locker rooms.
- Assist in evacuation of building.
- Render first aid, as necessary.
- Notify Superintendent’s office (488-2659).
- Maintain control of students at a safe distance from the fire and firefighting equipment.
- Account for each student and staff member and report names of missing (not absent) persons to the office or command center.
- If fire is extinguished, advise fire department.
- You must conduct required fire drills and submit a report.
- Review fire/plan regulations with staff.
- Evacuation maps shall be posted in each room.
- Take emergency clipboard with you.
- Remain with your class.
- Move away from buildings to designated evacuation area.
- Report missing staff/students to command center.
- Follow additional administrative instructions.
GAS LEAKSDefinition: A gas leak is a leak of natural gas, from a pipe or other containment, into a living area or any other area where the gas should not be. Gas leaks may occur in the school building, on the school grounds, or in the school neighborhood.
Instructor/Staff Procedures:
- Do not operate any electrical switches.
- Evacuate area.
- If gas shut-off is located in the room, turn it off.
- Do not pull the fire alarm.
- Notify building administrator.
School Administrator Procedures:
- Contact ICS.
- Follow evacuation procedures.
- Call 911 for emergency personnel.
- Notify the gas company, if needed.
- Reoccupy building only when cleared by authorities.
- Fill out an incident report and send a copy to District Office.
Follow-up Procedures:
- Confirm that the incident report has been filed and sent to the District Office.
- Confirm that the gas company has cleared the building for occupancy.
If the event requires, send prepared information letter to all parents with any necessary information regarding revised schedule or alternative location due to any repairs needed. (See samples at AWSP.ORG).