Othello School District Highly Capable Program
The mission of Othello HiCap is to help students develop into life-long learners that have the ability to problem solve, communicate effectively, work as part of a team, use critical thinking and be a leader.
Goals: Encourage strengths and challenge the mind.
Program Offerings
(Primary Enrichment Program)Grades: K –1
HiCap Teacher will work with teacher/ student to meet students’ needs.HiCap
(Highly Capable Program)Grade: 2
Students attend a 1/2 day session once a week.Grades: 3-6
Students attend a 1 day session once a week.Classes will have a Math/Science focus.
Characteristics of Highly Capable students
(not an exhaustive list)
- Capacity to learn with unusual depth of understanding, to retain what has been learned, and to transfer learning to new students
- Capacity and willingness to deal with increasing levels of abstraction and complexity earlier than other peers
- Creative ability to make unusual connections among ideas and concepts
- Ability to learn quickly in their area(s) on intellectual strength
- Capacity of intense concentration
and or focus
Identification Process
Anyone can refer a student: parent, bus driver, community member, etc. Referral forms can be found on the OSD website or picked up at an elementary school office. A referral form needs to be completed for any student who wishes to be considered.
Annual testing for incoming 3-5 graders is held in the spring. Any students new to the district can follow the same procedures in the fall or consult the HiCap Teacher.
Testing for grades K –2 will be administered in the fall.
Permission forms to be tested will be given when referral forms are picked up. This form needs to be filled out and returned by parent/guardian before any testing takes place.
The student’s classroom teacher also completes a referral form.
Selection Process
Once students are referred and ‘Permission to Test’ form is completed and returned, the following process will begin. If student obtains a score in the 75 percentile or more, on at least one of the following assessments, he/she will then be recommended for further consideration.
- CogAT (Cognitive Abilities Test)
Screening Tool - NWEA/MAP Reading
Further data from the assessments below will then be considered. Student need to score in the 90 percentile or above ,on 3 out of 5, of the following assessments:
- Full CogAT battery test
- Naglieri (Non –verbal assessment)
- Math/Science SAGES-2
- NWEA/MAP Reading
Parents/Guardians will be notified of scores by mail.
Appeal/Exit Procedures
Appeal process:
If a student was not selected to be part of the Highly Capable program, a parent or guardian has the right to appeal the decision of the multidisciplinary selection committee by using the following appeal process:
Parent/guardian must complete appeal form and submit to the District HiCap Coordinator within 10 calendar days of receiving the selection notification.
A meeting will be set up within 10 calendar days of the request.
Appeals must be based on the following criteria:
- Specific criteria related to the screening/testing conditions (ie. student was ill during testing)
- A misapplication or miscalculation of the scores (ie. score was based on incorrect birth date)
Exit Process:
If you are requesting your child’s participation in the Othello School District’s Highly Capable Programs come to an end, you will first need to meet with the HiCap teacher/coordinator. If you still wish for the student to exit the program, complete the Exit form and return to the HiCap Coordinator.
- Capacity to learn with unusual depth of understanding, to retain what has been learned, and to transfer learning to new students