• New Students Online Registration

    If you are registering a student in Preschool for the first time, click here to begin.

    If you are registering a student in Kindergarten for the first time, click here to begin.

    If you are registering a student (1st - 12th Grade) for the first time to Othello School District, you will need to follow the below steps:

    Step 1: Complete the Account Request

    First things first, you must complete the account request by clicking here.

    If you do not have an email address, you must create your own login to continue with the new student registration process. You will then be given a password to log into the Family Access portal to complete the new student registration process. 

    If you do have an email address, you will receive information via email on how to continue with the new student registration process.

    Complete all seven (7) steps required in the registration process.

    Step 2: Complete Internet Survey

    The Othello School District is gathering information on its students to better serve their needs for the possibility of online schooling. Your participation is important. The answers you give help us make decisions about how to acquire and distribute resources to provide equitable access to education. Click on the icon below to start the survey.

    icon that states internet survey

    Step 3: Provide copies of required documents

    After completing the online new student registration process, you must provide copies of the required documents listed below to the Othello School District. Parents may drop off copies at the district office location at 1025 S 1st Ave between the hours of 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday thru Friday. 

    • Birth Certificate
    • Immunization Records (click here to view required vaccines)
    • Proof of Address (utility bill, rental agreement, etc)

    Additionally, you will be asked to fill out the Home Language Survey when you provide the above listed copies. 

    Step 4: Meet with Principal (9 - 12 Grade Students ONLY)

    After completing the online new student registration process and providing all necessary documentation to the district office, all NEW 9th-12th grade students must meet with the high school Principal. You must call Othello High School at 509-488-3351 and ask to schedule an appointment with the Principal. The Principal will meet with you and provide you with necessary steps on how to acquire a class schedule.