Students and professionals at career showcase. Pencil illustration with icons representing multiple school subjects.

2019 Career Showcase

Annual Career Showcase

  • Othello Career Showcase

    Each year since 2017, the Othello School District has proudly partnered with the Adams County Development Council to host its Annual Career Showcase (usually in October).  The career fair is a great opportunity for local businesses and industries to connect with schools and their future workforce.  As students browse exhibitor booths, they learn more about local companies and job opportunities, what high-tech and highly-skilled career fields are available, and begin establishing relationships with future employers.  Participating employers have the opportunity to interact with nearly 1,500 students from grades 9-12 in Othello High School.  

    For more information about the career showcase, contact Amy Parris, Director of School to Career, at 509.488.3351 Ext. 1030.

    Watch the video of the 2019 Career Showcase