Special Education, Meeting the needs of Students with Disabilities:
Special Education services are offered to students age Birth through 21 who have either suspected or documented disabilities. When a child/student has a suspected disability, they are referred for possible testing to see if they might become eligible for special education services. Once the referral process begins, there are specific laws surrounding the timelines that have to be observed along every step of the Evaluation and (possible) enrollment process. Once the child/student qualifies for special education services, an IEP (Individual Education Program) document is written that specifies exactly what kind of services the student will receive, for how long, and where those services will occur. Each program and/or school in OSD has a referral and special education team composed of many different professionals who all have assigned roles and responsibilities to make sure each student receives the amount of attention and care that they deserve.
Our goal is always to serve the whole child, and to give them every opportunity to succeed as an independent learner across multiple settings that they will encounter during a typical week at school. Please do not hesitate to contact the Special Education Department if you have any questions, or if you need further information.
The Special Services Department provides specially designed instruction for eligible students with disabilities from birth through age 21. These services are individualized to meet the unique needs of the students and are available in a variety of program models.
Services provided:
- The IEP (Individualized Education Plan) Teaming
- Childfind
- Assessment and Identification
- Specially Designed Instruction
- Speech and Language Therapy
- Occupational and Physical Therapy
- School Psychologists
- Other Services: Visually-Impaired
- Parent Involvement
- 504 plans
Birth-3 services (birth-3 years old):
Screenings and Qualification for services:
Developmental screening for suspected developmental delays is free to all children birth through three years of age who reside in Othello School District boundaries. We have partnered with CBHA to develop this program, where shared services are and resources are given free of charge to the families. Early intervention services include gross motor, fine motor, communication, cognitive, social and adaptive skills. Infants and toddlers go through a referral process and assessment in order to receive services, as established by the Federal and State guidelines.
Special Education Preschool (3-5 years old):
Our preschool program provides services to children three to five years of age who qualify for services in the areas of communication, cognitive, social, adaptive, gross and fine motor. Our preschool classrooms offer a developmental curriculum to support learning needs of young children with identified developmental delays.
Resource Room Programs (6-21 yrs old):
Provides reading, written language, math, behavioral and social skills support to special education students through either an intensive pull out model, or supported work within the regular classroom.
This classroom supports our K-12th grade students that have identified needs that require more support than they are receiving in the general education setting . Students in this program are specially placed by a team of Professionals from each building, based on each individual's need.
Self Contained Programs (6-21 yrs old):
This program is currently at Lutacaga Elementary School for grades K-5, MMS for grades 6-8th, and OHS for grades 9-12th.
The students receive in-depth intervention in the areas of Communication, Social Skills and/or Behavior, and both Fine/Gross Motor therapy, as well as in the Academic and/or Pre-Academic areas of Reading, Writing, and Math. A smaller class size with a reduced ratio of adults-to-students, along with teaming by both the Speech-Language Pathologist and Occupational therapist ensures each and every student will make progress over time. Students are able to learn new skills at their own speed, have access to their regular education peers as much as individually possible and are served using specially designed instruction.
Life Skills Programs (6-21 years old):
This program is currently at Wahitis Elementary School for grades K-5, MMS for grades 6-8th, and OHS for grades 9-12th. This classroom supports students with moderate to significant cognitive disabilities, as well as those who are medically fragile or have mobility challenges. Class sizes are small, and there are multiple specially-trained professionals who lend their expertise and support where needed. The curriculum in this room also emphasizes self-help skills in the areas of grooming, learning simple cooking and food preparation tasks, and other household chore responsibilities. Students may have a modified day per IEP Team decision (which includes the parent).
- Early Childhood Center
- Hiawatha Elementary
- Lutacaga Elementary
- Scootney Springs
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- Jaynae Bunch
- Michelle Manley

- Vanessa Montoya

- Karen Patterson

- Ashley Phillips

- Angel Unrau