• Request to Withhold Directory Information: “Opt Out” Request Form

    Directory Information: The District may release some basic student information - "Directory Information" - without the consent of an Eligible Person (Parent/Guardian/student 18 years of age or older). Directory Information may be used in a variety of ways, such as in school yearbooks, on the District website, or released to news media. Though Directory Information may not be released for commercial purposes, it may be released upon the request of nonprofit organizations such as PTAs, the Boys & Girls Club, etc. 

    Directory information includes:

    • Student Full Name

    • Photograph/digital image

    • Diplomas/Awards

    • Address & Phone Number

    • Date of Birth

    • Weight/height of District athletes

    • Email addresses: personal, parent and school- assigned

    • Enrollment Status/ Schools attended/ Attendance Dates /Grade Level

    • Participation in officially recognized activities/ sports

    • Parent/guardian name(s)

    • Teacher/Advisor

    • Video

    Under FERPA, an Eligible Person may request that Directory Information not be released without written consent. If such a request is received by the District, that student will be omitted and no attempt will be made to get prior written consent in order to include that student in response to a Directory Information request.

    If you do not want the named student’s Directory Information released, please complete a Directory Information "Opt-Out" Request Form here.

    Haga clic aquí para obtener el formulario en español.

    If an "Opt-Out" Request is not received by the District, consent to release of such information will be assumed.

    Note: The District cannot control the release of certain Directory Information, such as digital images or names, when students participate in school events open to the general public, including but not limited to, athletic competitions, concerts and plays.

    Click here to fill out the opt-out form for your studentHaga clic aqui para completar el formulario de exclusion voluntaria para tu estudiante