OSD Early Childhood Education

  • Othello’s early childhood education department supports students aged from birth to five and their families with the following programs:

    0-5 Parent Education Classes (LEARN Academy)
    Hosting "dinner and dialog" event with local providers, as well as hosting parent nights to help parents learn age-appropriate activites and strategies they can use to help prepare their children for success at school.

    3-5 Special Education Program
    Speech, occupational therapy, social-emotional services, adaptive learning, and pre-academic skills. 

    OSD Preschool (Huskie Pups)
    Our OSD preschool is located near the campus of McFarland Middle School. We offer half-day classes, four days a week, for students who turn four by the start of the current year. The program is open to any Othello student at no charge. Students learn important social skills, fine and gross motor skills, and receive developmental growth opportunities. The preschool experience provides exploration opportunities through purposeful play, STEAM activities, and outdoor adventures. 

    Transitional Kindergarten
    Transitional kindergarten (TK) is similar to preschool, but it provides a full-day experience. TK classes are located at Scootney Springs, Hiawatha, and the preschool village campus. This is a state-funded program. Please contact our office for qualification information. 

    Community Partnerships
    We partner with local childcare providers and preschools to prepare our students for success in kindergarten. These partnerships include collaboration on social emotional learning, to identify students who may require special education services, and to provide developmentally appropriate strategies.