McFarland Middle School Discipline Plan
The matrix shown below is the discipline plan for McFarland Middle School. This plan is frequently reviewed and modified to fit the changing needs of our students. The discipline philosophy of the McFarland can be best summarized by saying that high expectations are maintained for student behavior and that staff members work closely with students and parents to develop problem solving and behavior management skills within each child. Also, the individual teachers share their specific classroom expectations with students and parents.
The most important aspect of discipline is good communication between the home and schools. We feel that it is important that parents are immediately contacted if a problem exists with a student. We also encourage parents to contact the schools when there is a question concerning the discipline being used with their child. Many times with a conference, a more effective approach can be worked out together. Our ultimate goal is to help our children become responsible, independent citizens, and effective students.
Special Education Students and Discipline
All students are encouraged and expected to develop responsibility in the Othello School District. Although the school district has a comprehensive discipline policy, there are special cases where state regulations require that adaptations be made in order to serve a child on an Individual Education Plan (IEP). Consequently, discipline for these students may be individualized and unique.
The following procedures will take place if a student on an IEP is referred for a long-term suspension (more than 10 days) or has a series of suspension creating a pattern of exclusion:
- A Multi-disciplinary team will meet to determine whether a misconduct is a manifestation of the disability or due to an inappropriate placement.
- If the misconduct is a manifestation of the disability or due to an inappropriate placement, the proposed disciplinary action will not take place, and an IEP meeting will be convened to develop an appropriate placement.
- If the misconduct is neither a manifestation of the disability nor due to an inappropriate placement, the proposed disciplinary action may be implemented. An IEP meeting will be convened to determine procedures for serving the student during the long-term suspension/expulsion period.
OSD 7-12 Discipline Matrix
PHONESStudent in possession of cell phone during the instruction time
Warning Staff member
confiscates phone and returns phone at end of class periodStaff member
confiscates phone and submits to main office. Student may retrieve at end of school dayStaff member
confiscates phone and submits to main office. Parent may retrieve at end of school dayStaff member
confiscates phone and submits to main office. Parent may retrieve at end of school dayTARDIES Excessive Tardies (Tardy defined as within the first 10 minutes of class, inside classroom door) 5 Tardies: 30 min. Detention/ES
Restorative Action Steps Recommended)
8 Tardies: 30 min. Detention/ES
Restorative Action Steps Recommended)
11 Tardies: 30 min. Detention/ES
Restorative Action Steps Recommended)
14 Tardies: 30 min. Detention/ES
Restorative Action Steps Recommended)
17 Tardies: 30 min Detention/ES
Restorative Action Steps Recommended)
TRUANCY Truancy (unexcused absence from majority of school day)
Skipping Class
Leaving campus without permission = defiance: step 3 or 3 discipline
2 trunancies: 1-2 days detention/ES 4 truancies: 1-2 days detention/ES 6 truancies: 1-2 days refocus/ES/SS
If applicable, implement CTB process (if missed 5 or more days in a month)
Community Truancy Board
6+ truancies: 1-2 days refocus/ES/SS If applicable, implement CTB process (if missed 5 or more days in a month)
Community Truancy Board
If applicable, Formal BECCA Petition-Ritzville
Truancy Board
To receive a full copy of the OSD 7-12 Discipline Matrix, please go to the main page of the parent resources tab and download the student handbook, or visit the MMS main office to recieve a hard copy.
Restorative Action Examples:
- Warning
- Parent contact required for any referrals to explain the issue and ask for support
- Redirection
- Conference with the student
- Retraining, physically & verbally modeling expected behavior
- Refocus form only within classroom, not with another teacher
- Refer to a mentor or counselor for assistance
- Contact/reference SPED case manager, if he/she has one
- Assign lunch detention with teacher (classroom level)
- Parent conference
- Conference with a previous teacher
- Other:
- ES: Evening School
- SS: Saturday School
- CTB: Community Truancy Board
- PDA: Public Display of Affection
- ACJC: Adams County Juvenile Court
- F/F: Face to face
- HIB: Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying
- SEEP: Suspension Education Enhancement Program
- L1: Level 1
- L2: Level 2
- L3: Level 3
- SPED: Special Education