Any person not currently enrolled as an OHS student or staff member is a visitor and must report to the main office. Visitors will not be permitted to loiter on the school campus or in buildings. Parents are to schedule conferences in advance at times convenient for school personnel and parents. Students are not permitted to have visitors during the school day, unless pre-approved. DOHS students are permitted on OHS grounds before and after school but are not to be on OHS grounds between 8:30 a.m. to 3:20 p.m. unless signing in through the main office.
Students are not allowed to use teacher phones in classrooms. The ASB phone located at the attendance window may be used between classes, before and after school, and at lunch. Please keep your calls short if someone is waiting to use the phone. The telephone may not be used during class time without permission. Students found to be misusing the phone will be subject to school discipline.
Emergency Drills
In case of an emergency, including fire, chemical hazard or other emergency which makes the building unsafe, the signal to evacuate the building will be the continuous sounding of the emergency alarm or bell. There will be an evacuation plan posted in each classroom. Each teacher will give instructions regarding specific procedures.
The Board of Directors of Othello School District has adopted a policy covering the dispensing of medications by school employees. A copy of this policy is available upon request. All medications must be dispensed through the office upon instructions provided by a physician.
Parking Lot
Parking in the student lot near the gym is on a “First-Come/First-Served” basis. There will be no reserved parking. Parking illegally will result in a 1) Written and or Verbal Warning 2) $5.00 FINE 3) Parent meeting and $10 FINE 4) Loss of parking privileges. Your parking hanger must be visible at all times. Students should always lock their vehicles and not leave valuables in them. The school is not responsible for vandalism or lost or stolen items from the parking lot. Students are not allowed to park in faculty parking lots or the bus loop at any time during the school day. Any student found parked in any faculty lots or bus loop area will be fined $10.00. Parking in the gravel lot on Juniper Street is not permitted. Illegally parked vehicles may be towed at any time, at the owner’s expense. The parking policy will be strictly enforced. Parking permits can be obtained through the ASB window at no cost. Driver’s License and Proof of Insurance required.
Changing Class Schedules
Once a student’s class schedule has been finalized for the school trimester, it can only be changed following a parent, student, counselor, and teacher conference, to justify the change. The Principal must approve the change.
School Dances, Mixers, & Guest Passes
Dances are held by the ASB and are for high school age students only. OHS ID cards are required for admittance to all mixers. All school rules for behavior are in effect. You will be admitted to “after-game” dances up until 30 minutes after the end of the athletic contest. Students who leave a dance or mixer will not be allowed to return. The school is not responsible for valuables brought to dances. No outside food or drinks are allowed into any OHS dance. Students attending dances must read, agree to, and sign the dance contract form provided when tickets are purchased. If you wish to bring a high school-aged (21 years of age and under) guest to an OHS dance, you must have a guest pass for that person. Sign up for a guest pass in the main office by the Wednesday preceding the dance. Only OHS or DOHS students will be admitted unless a guest pass has been received and reviewed by administration. NO EXCEPTIONS.