Plan for Parental Involment

  • Challenging and Preparing Our Students - Here at Wahitis Elementary, we are committed to providing your child with an outstanding, well-rounded education.  We teach in a very similar way from Kindergarten to 5th grade to ensure a comprehensive and coherent elementary school experience for your child.  We believe that in order to achieve this type of education, a partnership must exist between parents and our school.  It is our goal to provide an atmosphere where parents are able to express their views and assist in problem solving.  We want parents to understand that we view them as joint policy and decision makers.

    Gathering Information to Support the Parental Education and Involvement Plan-

    This year the goal is to organize a Title 1 Parental Committee, consisting of teachers, administrators, parents, and community members to analyze data from surveys and discussion with team members listed above.  This committee will emphasize and suggest support that promotes parental involvement and additional support for student learning for the list of services and activities already implemented at Wahitis.


    • School staff will use a variety of communication strategies to provide additional information to parents and to increase parental involvement in supporting classroom instruction.


    • The school will distribute a monthly newsletter to parents that is developed with participation of the parent-school organization, assistant principal, staff, and parent volunteers.  It includes school news, a calendar of school activities, and parenting tips relating to school achievement such as homework tips, organizational skills, and study skills.
    • A pamphlet will be made available through the school website explaining the school’s involvement with the district reading initiative and how parents can be involved in supporting Wahitis to achieve the goals of the initiative. This information will be reviewed during teacher conferences and Title 1 meetings.
    • Teachers will be available to discuss child’s progress.
    • The school will provide to parents report cards twice a year and information about upcoming school events.
    • The school will hold a Title 1 meeting at least once a year to discuss the school’s approach to school improvement.
    1. The school will hold parent meetings, conferences, and activities regularly throughout the year to increase parental involvement and build staff and parent capacity to engage in these types of efforts.
    • Meetings will include parent-training sessions to help parents understand how to enhance their child’s education.
    • These meetings will include a series of family reading nights that provide an opportunity for parents and their child to experience the school situation in a positive and helpful manner.
    • The meetings will be held at various times during the day or evening to better accommodate parents.
    • The school will hold a special SBA (Smarter Balanced Association) bootcamp for parents to learn about the rigor of the test, engage in SBA -related activities, and receive suggestions for how to help their child prepare for standardized testing.
    • Teachers will hold conferences twice a year with parents and children to discuss progress towards achievement goals. Parents will be asked to engage in discussion of how they can support efforts in the classroom and will receive suggestions for how to help child at home.  Parents will receive an explanation of grading procedures, assessment scores, and homework policies.
    1. The school will provide information to parents about volunteer opportunities.
    • The school will provide opportunities for parents and community members to support the instructional program.
    • The school will provide a list of volunteer opportunities and solicit ideas for other types of volunteer efforts throughout the year.
    1. The school will work with parents to create a School-Parent-Student Compact.
    • School staff, parents, and students will suggest modifications and suggestions to the existing school-parent-student compacts. The compact outlines how parents, school staff, and students share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement.  All stakeholders will sign the compact.  =
    1. The school will provide an opportunity for parents to engage in decision-making processes regarding the school’s Title 1, Part A program.
    • The school will involve parents on school improvement planning committees.
    • The school will ask parents to serve on school-wide committees.  
    • The school will engage parents in decisions about how Title 1, Part A funds for parental involvement will be allocated.  
    1. The school will provide a parent resource center for parents.
    • Parents will be encouraged to view the Title 1 Plan, upon completion, located on the school website or in paper form in the office.  A suggestion sheet will also be available for parental input.  
    1.  The school will engage parents in an evaluation of parental involvement efforts.
    • The school will engage parents in the annual evaluation of the Title 1, Part A program’s parental involvement efforts using a comprehensive needs assessment filled out by teachers, parents, and school staff.  The newly formed Title 1 Committee will determine the effectiveness of the parental involvement plan and make changes if warranted.  Specific information about 1) growth in numbers of parents participating in workshops and meetings; 2) specific needs of parents; 3) effectiveness of specific strategies; and 4) engagement of parents in activities to support student academic growth.