• Tips for Parents to Help Create Safe Schools

      Parents can help create safe schools. here are some ideas that parents in other communities have tried.

      • Discuss the school’s discipline policy with your child. Show your support for the rules and help your child understand the reasons for them.
      • Involve your child in setting rules for appropriate behavior at home.
      • Talk with your child about the violence he or she sees--on television, in video games, and possibly in the neighborhood. Help your child understand the consequences of violence.
      • Teach your child how to solve problems. Praise your child when he or she follows through.
      • Help your child find ways to show anger the do not involve verbally or physically hurting others.
      • When you get angry , use it as an opportunity to model these appropriate responses for your child and then talk about it.
      • Help your child understand the value of accepting individual differences.
      • Note any disturbing behaviors in your child. For example, frequent angry outbursts, excessive fighting and bullying of other children, cruelty to animals, fire setting, and frequent behavior problems at school and in the neighborhood, lack of friends, and alcohol or drug use can be signs of serious problems. Get help for you child. Talk with a trusted professional in your child’s school or in the community.
      • Keep lines of communication open with your child--even when it is tough. Encourage your child always to let you know where and with whom he or she will be. Get to know your child’s friends.
      • Listen to your child if he or she shares concerns about friends who may be exhibiting troubling behaviors. Share this information with a trusted professional, such as the school counselor, principal, or teacher.
      • Be involved in your child’s school life by supporting and reviewing homework, talking with his or her teacher(s), and attending school functions such as parent conferences, class programs, open houses, and PTA meetings.
      • Work with your child’s school to make it more responsive to all students and to all families.
      • Share your ideas about how the school can encourage family involvement, welcome all families, and include them in meaningful ways in their children’s education.
      • Volunteer to work with school-based community groups concerned with violence prevention.
      • Talk with the parents of our child’s friends. Discuss how you can form a team to ensure your children’s safety.
      • Find out if your employer offers provisions for parents to participate in school activities.

      A Parent's Guide For Any Emergency

      The Othello School District, in conjunction with the police and fire departments of Othello, has developed a plan to reunite students with their families in the event of an emergency or disaster occurring in our area.

      In the history of the district, no evacuations of this scope have occurred. However, for the safety of our students, we are prepared to initiate this plan in an emergency situation. 




      In the event a local emergency or disaster situation occurs while school is in session, please help us care for all students:

      • Remain calm
      • DO NOT call the school. It is important to keep home and school lines open
      • Check the OSD Facebook page or the OSD website at www.othelloschools.org
      • Listen for a call from the OSD message system for current information
      • Sign up for NIXEL for alerts from the police system, by texting 888-777 with 99344 as the message

      Students may be bussed to one of the locations below:

      Othello High School - 340 S. 7th. Ave.

      McFarland Middle School - 790 S. 10th. Ave.

      Adams County Fair Grounds - 831 S. Reynolds Rd.

      Listen to the OSD message system for the actual receiving site(s).

      If students must be relocated to another site:

      1. Park only in designated areas
      2. Enter the building through the primary entrance-posted signs will direct you
      3. Check in with school officials - you must provide photo ID. Know your child's teacher's name
      4. Complete the student release form
        • In case you are not available to pick up your child, share this plan with those listed as an emergency contact on your child's registration
        • Keep your contact information up-to-date. Inform your child's school of all changes of address and phone number.
      5. A staff member will unite you with your child(ren)
      6. Promptly leave school grounds to expedite the dismissal of all students

      For their safety, please understand that no child will be release without proper identification and authorization.

      The success of the plan depends on your cooperation. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with this emergency plan.

      Thank you for your continued support and involvement in our schools.