• Student Conduct on Buses

      Any misconduct by a student which, in the opinion of the bus driver or transportation supervisor or transportation/designee, is detrimental to the safe operations of the bus shall be sufficient cause for the director of transportation/designee to suspend transportation privileges.

      Rules of conduct for students riding buses:

      • The Driver is in full charge of the bus and has authority to assign seats. When transporting classes or teams, the teacher or coach shall be primarily responsible for the behavior of the students. Students shall cooperate and obey the driver and the teacher, coach or other staff members.
      • Noise shall be kept down to avoid distracting the driver. Students shall refrain from profanity, obscene gestures or offensive acts. Throwing, tossing or shooting anything within, from or at the bus is prohibited.
      • Fighting, pushing, tripping, spitting, abusive language and violent behavior are prohibited on the bus and will not be tolerated. Harassment of any kind is prohibited.
      • Students shall not carry or have, in their possession, items that can cause injury to passenger on the bus. Such items include, but are not limited to, sticks, breakable containers, aerosol containers, straps or pins protruding from clothing. Large instruments and other bulky items (e.g. large bags, backpacks) shall be put in the luggage compartment.
      • Absolutely no balloons are allowed on the bus. If a student receives balloon bouquets at school, the parents will have to make arrangements for picking up such items at the school.
      • Students shall not smoke, possess tobacco, alcohol, drugs or other illegal substances or paraphernalia of any kind.
      • Flammable or flaming devices, pepper spray, bombs of any kind, knives, firearms or other weapons are prohibited.
      • Students shall not eat, drink or chew gum on the bus.
      • No animals allowed, except Seeing Eye
      • Students shall arrive at the bus stop 5 minutes BEFORE the bus, wait in a safe place clear of traffic and away from where the bus stops.
      • Students shall not sit in the driver’s seat.
      • Students shall go directly to an available seat, or their assigned seat, upon entering the bus.
      • Students shall get permission from the driver before opening a window. Windows are only allowed to be down 3 Extending any body part or objects of any kind, out of the window is not allowed.
      • Students shall cross in front of the bus when the driver gives the signal that it is safe to do so. They shall never cross behind the bus.
      • Students shall keep the bus clean by depositing all trash in the garbage can at the front of the bus.
      • Students shall follow emergency exit procedures as prescribed by the Driver. They shall not tamper with emergency doors or equipment. Emergency exit doors are not to be used except for an actual emergency!
      • Students or parents of students identified in causing damage to buses, shall be charged with the cost of the incurred damage. Students causing the damage may be suspended from transportation.
      • Students shall ride on assigned bus and leave the bus only at their assigned stop. Bus passes from the students’ school or a note from their parent are required to board or depart at a different authorized stop.

      Transportation Disciplinary Procedures

      The Transportation Supervisor/designee, in conjunction with the building principal, is responsible for correcting those students whose unacceptable behavior results in a bus conduct report or violation of the rules noted above.

      The principal or other school official shall provide supervision during the bus arrival and departure times at his/her school. The principal shall aid in enforcing that students comply with the specified regulations. Open lines of communication among school officials, bus drivers and the transportation department must be maintained.

      When waiting for a bus, or going to and from a bus stop, students are responsible for conducting themselves according to the social and legal mores that apply to adults in public. They must not abuse or cause damage to private or public property; they must not use obscene language or gestures; and they must not engage in criminal activity. Failure to adhere to these mores may result in formal complaints by citizens to the proper law enforcement agency.

      Student Bus Passes/Notes

      Bus passes (from student’s school office) or notes from the parents are required for students who wish to depart the bus at a different authorized stop or to ride a different bus to or from school. All Changes in student transportation needs must be done before 2 p.m. 


      The Othello School District Transportation procedure is that Preschool/kindergarten students being transported by bus have a responsible person to receive them at their bus stop. If parents/guardian believe the child is capable of attending to his/her own needs and may be dropped off without a responsible person in attendance, the District then requires that information to be in writing from the parents/guardian in the form provided by Transportation. 

      Parents Riding Buses

      Only students and staff of the Othello School District are allowed to ride the school bus. However, parents of students enrolled may be given permission to ride the bus to/from school if they are assisting in a classroom and there is space available on the bus. Permission must be pre-approved through the Transportation Department or School office.

      Parent Communication with Bus Driver

      Due to safety reasons and time, boarding a school bus to talk to the bus driver or a student is prohibited. It is best to contact the bus driver through the Transportation Department (488-3741). This will ensure that the driver has adequate time to discuss your needs and concerns. Clarification of the rules and procedures should be directed to the Transportation Supervisor.

      Video Camera

      The district and bus driver’s goal is to increase safety while transporting students to and from school. Video cameras are on all buses as a tool to help improve student conduct.