• Discipline Policy

    Discipline plans have been developed for all four Othello elementary schools.  These plans are frequently reviewed and modified to fit the changing needs of our students.  The discipline philosophy of the elementary schools can be best summarized by saying that high expectations are maintained for student behavior, and that staff members work closely with students and parents to develop problem solving and behavior management expectations with students and parents.

    The most important aspect of discipline is good home to school communication.  The Othello elementary schools’ administration feels that it is important to contact parents immediately if a problem exists with a student.  We also encourage parents to contact the school when there is a question concerning the discipline being used with their child. Many times with a conference, a more effective approach can be worked out together.  Our ultimate goal is to help our children become responsible and independent citizens. Please review the updated discipline matrix to see how building administration will look at each situation intentionally to determine how to best intervene and support your student.

    Othello School District - Discipline Matrix (grades K-6)



    Intervention Ideas







    • Disruptive
    • Uncooperative
    • Inappropriate Language, gestures, and/or drawings.
    • Dangerous Behavior (low level)
    • Cell Phone- use during the day
    • Public display of Affection
    • Disrespectful to Other Students
    • Restitution
    • Reteach skill/lessons 
    • Classroom walks 
    • Loss of privilege
    • Campus clean-up
    • Parent Conference
    • Mini-Courses
    • Parent Contact
    • Specific Supervision 
    • Modify environment
    • Apology Letter
    • Confiscation







    • Repeated Level 1 Offenses
    • Fighting
    • Defiant
    • Gang Activities
    • Vandalism
    • Theft
    • Harassment
    • Intimidation
    • Bullying
    • Assault
    • Threat of Bodily Harm
    • Lighters/fire starters
    • Misuse of computers & electronic devices (inappropriate or graphic content)
    • Restitution
    • Parent Conference
    • Campus clean-up
    • Loss of technology access
    • In School Suspension (½-3 days)
    • Short Term Suspension (1-3 days out of school)
    • Classroom Exclusion
    • Mini Courses
    • Parent Observation
    • Required Parent Supervision







    • Repeated/Severe  Level 2 Offenses
    • Public Endangerment (pulling a fire alarm)
    • Physical/Verbal Abuse of a staff member
    • Possession/Use of Illegal Substances
    • Sexual Harassment
    • Major Theft/ Possession of stolen property
    • Bullying 
    • Indecent Exposure
    • Flagrant Disrespect to staff
    • Fighting/Assault
    • Gang Related Offenses
    • Meeting w/Guardians
    • Suspension 
    • Reflection on the impact of your infraction
    • Problem resolution w/those involved
    • Mental Health Evaluation
    • Chemical Dependency Evaluation
    • ACJC Supports
    • Behavior Contract







    • Distributing drugs and/or paraphernalia
    • Any action deemed life threatening
    • Possession of dangerous weapon
    • Use of dangerous weapon w/intent
    • Possession of a firearm
    • ***Emergency Expulsion***
    • Students Suspended for 4 or more consecutive days will be assigned to SEEPs
    • Admin has 10 days to conduct an investigation to determine if the student will return to campus, be out for the rest of the semester or the remainder of the school year.

    To view full copy of the OSD Elementary Discipline Matrix (Grades K-6), please go to the main page of the parent resources tab and download the student handbook, or visit the Scootney main office to recieve a hard copy.

    • Administrators can use discretion to provide any level or step of discipline, based on individual circumstances.
    • Cell phones are not allowed to be in student’s possession during the school day.  If seen they will be confiscated.
    • Cell phones or any other electronic devices confiscated by staff must be retrieved by parents/guardian from office.
    • Any serious disruptions of the educational process will be dealt with at the discretion of the building administrator in accordance with district and building policies and procedures.
    • Students that have a pattern of being disruptive, defiant, or disrespectful will be placed on a behavior contract at a meeting with teachers, parents, student, and a principal.
    • If a student encourages another to fight, it will be considered a level two violation of the discipline policy.  Watching a fight as a spectator or encouraging others to fight will not be tolerated at any elementary school.  Students are to leave the scene of a fight.  
    • Proper authorities may be called for any offense at any level.  Any Level 3 or 4 offenses will be reported to the School Resource Officer.
    • Suspended students may not be on any school property or participate in any school activity or sporting event during the time (day or evening) of the suspension.
    • Expulsion for a dangerous weapon is mandatory and for at least one academic term. Readmission process required. Parents/Guardians and Police will be notified.
    District Graffiti Policy


    1. Provide a safe and orderly environment for all individuals throughout the Othello Schools.
    2. Protect personal and public property.
    3. Maintain a non-disruptive educational process for students and staff.


    1. We will maintain a ZERO tolerance policy.
    2. Imprinting or marking on any surface belonging to Othello School District is not acceptable.
    3. Individuals are not permitted to disrupt the educational process by exhibiting any form of graffiti, or gang related inscriptions on school materials, papers, book covers, notebooks, assignments, clothing, or marking of their person.

    Violation of this policy will result in an immediate application of the school disciplinary policy approved by the Othello School District Board of Directors.

    Weapons Policy – No Tolerance

    The Othello School District has a no tolerance policy toward students who are in any way involved with a weapon on school property or at a school activity. The penalty for possession or involvement with a weapon on school property or at a school activity is expulsion. Expulsion is a state requirement if the weapon is a firearm. Weapons have no place and will not be tolerated in the school environment.

    We have had some instances of students being at school or on school property with toy weapons or with other items that could be considered weapons. These include toys that look like guns or other weapons, pellet guns, paint ball guns, and variations of knives. These items are considered weapons and can result in severe penalties including expulsion.

    The Othello School District also has a no tolerance policy towards students who make threats to do severe bodily harm. The types of threats will be taken seriously and may also result in expulsion.

    School property related to this policy includes school buildings, play fields, athletic fields, buses, and parking lots. This also includes any school related event (i.e. fieldtrips, etc.)