• Administrative Procedures Regarding Discipline

    Detention, Refocus Area, Evening School, Suspension, or Expulsion may be imposed on any student for any school violation depending on the severity and the frequency of the violation.

    Memorandum of Understanding

    The Othello School District and the Police Department of the City of Othello agree to coordinate and cooperate in preventing student criminal acts.  The school will notify parents/guardians and police, when appropriate, of criminal acts on all school district property, equipment, and district sanctioned events.  The district realizes its role in helping to reduce and eliminate drug/alcohol use by high school students and will continue to work with law enforcement personnel and parents/guardians to achieve this end.

    Search & Seizure

    Student lockers and desks are the property of the Othello School District and are made available for student use.  Student lockers and desks will be subject to inspection for the purpose of school safety and cleanliness. Individual students, student lockers, student vehicles parked on district property, or student bags/backpacks may be searched at any time a building administrator determines that a reasonable cause exists.

    Dress Code

    Desert Oasis High School, Grades 9-12 dress code, supports our District Vision to cultivate a safe environment of respect and rapport, where instruction is intentional, engaging, challenging, and accessible for all students. Our school dress code is a way to teach students the importance of a respectable appearance, a lesson that can positively impact self-respect, self-esteem, and preparation for what is expected in the global setting and workplace.  This dress code will be applied at the judgment of the school administration.

    1. In order to encourage a positive and safe school environment, attire that promotes alcohol, drugs, inappropriate or offensive images/language, or anything that could disrupt the educational process, is prohibited.  
    2. Clothing with holes, rips, or tears below mid-thigh are acceptable (leggings must be worn underneath for holes above mid-thigh).  
    3. Oversized or saggy clothing, which may reveal undergarments, is not permitted.  
    4. Clothing must be modest and appropriate for the school setting.  Bare midriffs, tank tops, pajamas, or visible underwear is not permitted.  
    5. Shorts and skirts must be mid-thigh length or longer.  
    6. Footwear, at a minimum, must meet minimum safety requirements in any educational environment or setting (classroom, science lab, weight room, wood/metal shop, etc.)  
    7. Any dress that promotes gang activity in a public school setting is strictly prohibited for any individual student or groups.  We understand gang dress, tattoos, and styles evolve through time and this enforcement will be at the discretion/judgment of school administration.  If necessary, we may consult with Adams County Juvenile Court and/or the Othello Police Department.
    8. Heads must be uncovered while in buildings.  
    9. Sunglasses may not be worn in buildings.
    10. School Administration may exercise their authority to determine/enforce any clothing that is a major disruption to the school environment. 

    Students in violation of the dress code will be asked to remove the item or change clothing.  This may include students being sent home to change.

    Students unable to meet DOHS general expectations, the attendance policy, or dress code policy on a consistent basis will be subject to corrective actions by staff and/or administration.

    Student Identification Badges

    ID Badges are the property of the school and must be carried by students on a daily basis. Any badges that cannot be scanned by the food service or library will need to be replaced at student expense.  ID badges must be scanned in order for students to purchase school breakfast or lunch. Abuse of the student ID policy will be dealt with at the discretion of the administration.

    Lunchroom Expectations

    Students may leave campus during their assigned lunch and are expected to attend their next class without being tardy or absent. Students may lose off-campus privileges due to repeated tardies and/or absences to their immediate class after lunch.


    Any student igniting and/or in possession of fireworks on school property may be subject to disciplinary action up to expulsion, depending on severity or damages.

    Electronic Devices

    As the Othello School District moves forward with their 1:1 computer initiative, students at DOHS will be provided with their own Chromebook.  As such, the need to use a personal electronic device in school has greatly decreased. Students are expected to use their Chromebook while in class and are expected to refrain from playing electronic games or to visit inappropriate sites. Failure to comply will result in school discipline.

    Cell Phones

    DOHS Student will not be allowed to use their cell phones during instructional times in all classrooms. Failure to comply will result in school discipline. Please see OSD 7-12 Discipline Matrix.

    • 1st Offense – Teacher warns student to put the device away.
    • 2nd Offense – Teacher takes device, turns it into the office until the end of the day.
    • 3rd Offense – Teacher takes device and turns into the office.  Parent/Guardian will pick up the device after school.
    • 4th Offense – Teacher turns device into the  office and Student’s parents must pick up the phone.

    Students who refuse to give a teacher or staff member their cell phone or electronic device will be considered defiant and will be assigned a discipline in accordance with the OHS discipline policy.

    Backpacks, Book Bags, and Lockers

    Students may use or carry backpacks or book bags into classrooms.  Teachers may develop classroom procedures or expectations for where students are to store their backpacks.  The use of a school locker is encouraged but not required. The Othello School District will not be responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged backpacks or book bags.  Lockers are assigned in the main office and are not to be traded or exchanged unless authorized by the secretary. Students are strictly responsible for their own lockers. Immediately notify the main office of damage to your locker. Do not bring valuables to school.  Stickers are not to be placed in or on lockers. Lockers are the property of Desert Oasis High School and are subject to search at any time with or without prior notice.

    Weapons Policy

    Weapons are defined as, “Any instrument or object possessed or used to inflict harm on another person or to intimidate any person. Examples include firearms of any kind (operable or inoperable, loaded or unloaded); all types of knives, chains, pipes, razor blades or similar instruments with sharp cutting edges, ice picks, dirks, other pointed instruments (including pencils, pens); nun-cha-ka sticks, brass knuckles; Chinese stars; billy clubs, tear gas guns; electrical weapons or devices (stun guns); BB or pellet guns; explosives or propellants. Use and/or possession of a weapon on school property will result in suspension or expulsion. As required by state and federal law, incidents involving firearms will result in the mandatory expulsion. The expulsion may be appealed to the Superintendent of Schools. Only the chief school district officer or designee may modify this expulsion. All incidents involving weapons will result in mandatory notification of parents/guardians and will also be reported to the appropriate law enforcement agency.

    OSD District Policy

    The Othello School District has a no tolerance policy toward students who are in any way involved with a weapon on school property or at a school activity. The recommended penalty for possession or involvement with a weapon on school property or at a school activity is expulsion. Expulsion is a state requirement if the weapon is a firearm. Weapons have no place and will not be tolerated in the school environment.

    We have had some instances of students being at school or on school property with toy weapons or with other items that could be construed to be weapons. These include toys that look like guns or other weapons, pellet guns, paintball guns, and variations of knives. These items will be considered weapons and shall result in severe penalties including expulsion.

    The Othello School District also has a no tolerance policy towards students who make threats to do severe bodily harm. The types of threats will be taken seriously and may also result in expulsion.

    School property related to this policy includes school buildings, play fields, athletic fields, and parking lots.