• Associated Student Body (ASB) Cards

    Any student enrolled in Desert Oasis High School who purchases an ASB card shall receive reductions to ASB activities.  All students participating in OHS sports, cheerleading, band, drill team, student council, choir, and any club must have an ASB card.  ASB cards are good for admission to all regular season home sporting events. The ASB card may also be used for identification.

    Athletic Eligibility Regulations

    The following requirements apply to members of boys’ and girls’ athletic teams, cheerleaders, and other groups who adopt them. In order to participate in interscholastic athletics, a student shall:

    1. Meet eligibility requirements of the Washington Interscholastic Activities Association (WIAA).
    2. Athletes must have on file with the ASB secretary an athletic registration form; athletic code and social media policy signed by student and parent/guardian; physician’s approval; ASB card purchased; financial responsibility (proof of insurance); all fines paid; and authorization to consent of treatment of minor.
    3. Meet O.H.S. eligibility requirements of academic scholarship, responsibility of equipment, and transportation.
    4. Attend at least 7 out of 7 classes to participate in a practice or competition, unless excused by the athletic director or school administrators.
    5. It is the responsibility of students and parents/guardians to read and understand the athletic code which can be found on the school website and was provided at the parent meetings held by the athletic director.